Cara Mempercepat Internet explorer (IE) anda
This way is more useful for some people who have a dial up connection. This is work for both Dial up and ADSL connections it makes your internet explorer Browser loads web pages more faster.
1. click start > run
2. type regedit > enter
3. browse folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ InternetSettings
4. right click @ windows right > New > DWORD
5. type MaxConnectionsPerServer > you can set value (the higher the number, the more good speed you get, eg : 99)
6. create another DWORD >type MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server
7. then put a high value as mentioned above
8. then, restart IE, finished.
Dont save encrypted pages to disk - This has a bifold benefit. First, it saves your computer the time and accomplishment of extenuative pages to the Temporary Internet Files folder. Plus, it makes abiding that there’s no almanac on your harder drive of defended web pages, which are the ones that are acclimated for passwords and such things.
How to do it:
1. On the card bar, bang on Tools, again on Internet Options on the card that appears.
2. A new window will arise alleged Internet Options. At the top there are six tabs. Bang on the one on the appropriate that says “Advanced.
3. Scroll down to the area that says “Security.” This should be the basal section. Analysis the advantage that says “Don’t save encrypted pages to disk.”
4. Bang on the OK button to abutting the window, and restart Internet Explorer.
Don’t automatically download images - The aspect of web pages that takes the longest time to download is images. If you about-face off this advantage and about-face on addition one, you can still get the accustomed anatomy of web pages, but after the cat-and-mouse for images to download. Usually, the a lot of advantageous advice is in argument form, anyway.
How to do it:
1. On the card bar, bang on Tools, again on Internet Options on the card that appears.
2. A new window will arise alleged Internet Options. At the top there are six tabs. Bang on the one on the appropriate that says “Advanced.”
3. Scroll down to the area that says “Multimedia.” This should be about halfway. Uncheck the advantage beneath Multimedia that says “Show pictures” and analysis the advantage that says “Show angel download placeholders.”
4. Bang on the OK button to abutting the window, and restart Internet Explorer.
Dont automatically play animations or videos - Animations and videos are usually absolutely ample files to download. Absolutely often, in fact, I ascertain that I dont even wish to see them.
How to make it:
1. On the card bar, bang on Tools, again on Internet Options on the card that appears.
2. A new window will arise alleged Internet Options. At the top there are six tabs. Bang on the one on the appropriate that says “Advanced.”
3. Scroll down to the area that says “Multimedia.” This should be about halfway. Uncheck the two options beneath Multimedia that says “Play animations” and “Play videos.”
4. Bang on the OK button to abutting the window, and restart Internet Explorer.
Reduce the admeasurement of your page history - Your page history (the account of pages you get while youre accounting in a URL) takes up amplitude in anamnesis that is allocated to Internet Explorer. Freeing up that anamnesis makes your absolute arrangement run faster and makes it accessible for Internet Explorer to advance added anamnesis for apprehension pages, appropriately authoritative pages arise faster.
How to do it:
1. On the card bar, bang on Tools, again on Internet Options on the card that appears.
2. A new window will arise alleged Internet Options. Towards the basal of the window should be a band that says “Days to accumulate pages in history:” After that is a box with a amount on it. Bang on the box, backspace to annul the absolute number, and blazon in a baby number. I usually use 1.
3. Bang on the OK button to abutting the window, and restart Internet Explorer.
Empty Temporary Internet Files binder if browser is closed - Doing this helps save a lot of harder drive space, and aswell makes surfing faster back your computer isn’t searching through so abounding pages to acquisition out if the adapted page is already in the cache.
How to do it:
1. On the card bar, bang on Tools, again on Internet Options on the card that appears.
2. A new window will arise alleged Internet Options. At the top there are six tabs. Bang on the one on the appropriate that says “Advanced.”
3. Scroll down to the area that says “Security.” This should be the basal section. Analysis the advantage that says “Empty Temporary Internet Files binder if browser is closed.”
4. Bang on the OK button to abutting the window, and restart Internet Explorer.
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